Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P06910 0.097 17.146 1.19e-151.58e-151.52e-15 0.023 0.30 No
P05255 0.134 17.605 5.69e-166.79e-165.95e-16 0.010 0.65 No
P00962 0.673 26.982 9.65e-144.59e-141.97e-14 0.122 -0.40 No
P02587 0.835 10.373 2.56e-151.27e-155.76e-16 0.066 -0.62 No
P03341 2.254 17.603 1.93e-162.47e-162.39e-16 0.008 0.73 No
P01519 2.316 20.677 1.12e-118.34e-124.63e-12 0.020 0.52 No
P00869 3.062 34.639 1.53e-141.61e-141.27e-14 0.039 0.01 No
P04341 3.880 24.069 3.00e-131.68e-138.89e-14 0.014 0.71 No
P04700 3.999 23.991 3.04e-132.53e-131.77e-13 0.083 -0.55 No
P02372 5.360 23.369 7.72e-154.14e-151.95e-15 0.048 -0.21 No
P03182 6.759 19.881 1.43e-139.59e-145.54e-14 0.021 0.54 No
P05083 7.973 37.610 1.88e-121.42e-128.34e-13 0.117 -0.45 Light Curve
P07708 8.852 25.109 3.89e-143.40e-142.38e-14 0.034 0.24 No
P01923 9.600 18.376 3.12e-131.82e-139.22e-14 0.016 0.73 No
P04220 10.564 25.157 7.42e-163.70e-161.61e-16 0.012 0.89 No
P04004 11.301 26.837 4.87e-122.78e-121.38e-12 0.057 -0.25 No
P03647 11.310 27.292 2.96e-132.10e-131.22e-13 0.035 0.19 No
P02376 11.661 24.476 1.50e-111.66e-111.49e-11 0.026 0.47 Light Curve
P04712 12.241 27.805 1.10e-135.02e-131.37e-12 0.017 0.88 No
P02480 12.228 26.631 1.25e-151.64e-151.50e-15 0.022 0.63 No
P00176 14.091 31.393 7.97e-121.86e-112.92e-11 0.047 -0.01 No
P07481 14.363 26.641 7.78e-177.82e-176.74e-17 0.033 0.17 No
P01077 16.406 30.450 2.68e-151.26e-155.35e-16 0.022 0.67 No
P06834 16.908 26.088 2.28e-152.99e-153.00e-15 0.033 0.35 No
P07438 17.616 28.910 2.90e-131.71e-138.72e-14 0.015 0.94 No
P03053 18.137 33.467 2.82e-151.32e-155.39e-16 0.039 0.17 No
P00659 18.908 30.514 3.57e-132.75e-131.72e-13 0.061 -0.21 Light Curve
P00477 19.593 32.715 2.53e-142.19e-141.48e-14 0.026 0.64 No
P00223 19.754 34.773 4.80e-163.02e-161.70e-16 0.033 0.40 No
P01114 22.207 36.883 3.04e-131.83e-131.01e-13 0.020 0.86 No
P01715 22.317 32.413 2.19e-121.34e-126.76e-13 0.049 0.03 No
P04746 24.530 40.335 9.98e-148.83e-145.88e-14 0.047 0.12 No
P03733 26.347 11.013 7.74e-115.25e-113.30e-11 0.047 -0.09 No
P03945 28.676 37.396 1.75e-111.24e-117.34e-12 0.023 0.89 No
P02064 29.266 31.238 3.69e-122.64e-121.67e-12 0.171 -0.22 Light Curve
P00093 29.995 42.217 1.17e-126.88e-133.56e-13 0.027 0.68 No
P05308 30.428 33.839 4.66e-121.02e-111.54e-11 0.033 0.61 No
P06359 32.031 17.245 2.19e-131.84e-131.29e-13 0.077 -0.29 No
P06369 33.197 36.424 2.44e-121.87e-121.13e-12 0.144 -0.21 Light Curve
P06021 34.509 41.577 7.74e-146.37e-144.15e-14 0.034 0.56 Light Curve
P03681 35.939 41.028 2.84e-131.98e-131.12e-13 0.033 0.68 No
P02962 39.631 40.246 1.82e-141.48e-141.02e-14 0.017 1.13 Light Curve
P06284 41.920 44.184 3.41e-142.48e-141.52e-14 0.015 1.32 Light Curve

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)